Enjoy movie hits for only 15 kuna.
Cineplexx City Center one is celebrating its birthday and an amazing celebration is ready for that occasion. So on Wednesday, 18 May, you can enjoy the latest movie hits with ticket prices of only 15 kuna and a free Torterie Macarons/Bobis donut. The offer includes 3D projections, MX4D projections, Love Box, Luxury seats, VIP seats, but also movie lenght additions. Sounds great, doesn’t it?
Choose whether you want to enjoy exciting action scenes, romantic comedies, emotional dramas or animated adventures in front of the movie screen, invite friends and have fun at your favorite cinema’s birthday party.
Check out the list of movies, hurry up to buy tickets online or at the box office and secure your place at this great birthday party.
See you at Cineplexx City Center one!