This winter through their holiday campaign Zaks Jewellery Shop takes their customers into a fantasy world, a place where everything is possible.

It is shown how one second can last for a lifetime, and one golden ornament can contain all the love and attention that many among us hold for someone special. Our favourite singer and rising star Mia Negovetić embodies in this winter fairy tale a character of ‘Alice in Wonderland’ and during her journey she discovers that Christmas magic starts at the moment when we wish to give a gift from the heart to our loved ones.


In her dream world, we can find the most beautiful golden pieces of jewellery in golden flower buds, and Mia wishes to carry them along. Zaks Jewellery Shop helps her in her journey because the latest collection available at all points of sale offers equally magical golden jewellery. Awaken the Christmas spirit even earlier and discover how fairy tales sometimes indeed can become real with just one touch of gold – golden moment of love and attention. Make sure to take advantage of 30% discount for the entire range at Zaks Jewellery Shops and wrap your gift in magic made of gold.

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