Bring your kids on 16th June to City Center one West and 17th June to City Center one East and let’s start the summer holidays filled with adventure!
School holidays have begun, and there is a whole summer period ahead of the youngsters simply made to enjoy many exciting days filled with unforgettable adventures. And if we are to judge the holidays by their beginning, then you better make sure the kids start their vacations with interesting shows at the Children’s Theatre Weekend.
Drop by with your youngsters on Saturday, 16th June to City Center one West to see an interactive performance “Unforgettable Summer” starting at 6 PM and find out about a little girl called Laura and her unusual holidays planned by her parents. What is in store for Laura, instead of computer games she has been looking forward to – watch the show and find out for yourself.
On Sunday, 17th June at 6 PM at City Center one East you will be able to enjoy a humorous plot starring a little girl and her grandfather in a performance called “Upside-down School Holidays”. The chaos starts at the very beginning, when the grandfather forgets his glasses and gets on the wrong train with his granddaughter. Jump aboard together with your youngsters and set out on a journey to start your exciting summer holidays!
Drop by City Center one, enjoy our free performances and start your amazing summer holidays!