Enjoy top quality šiš ćevapi and other specialties in the newly opened restaurant on the first floor.
Read more Your kids are in for an entire summer of enjoying the exciting days filled with unforgettable adventures. If the holidays are to be judged by their start, then you better make sure the holidays start in a great way with interesting performances by AmicuS at Children’s Theatre Weekend.
The best sound for all the schoolkids is the final school bell marking the end of the school year. But what happens when the bell falls asleep? If you are thinking that the repairman can do it, you are wrong! A real bell doctor needs to come to rescue, but will she be able to wake up the sleepyhead – little spectators can find out on Saturday 15th June at City Center one West from 6 PM in a performance called The School Bell.
On Sunday 16th June at City Center one East from 6 PM 18 the youngster will be able to follow the adventure of a boy called Mišo and his grandmother Mara in a show called Summer Magic. They were blown into an adventure by a strong wind and suddenly they find themselves on an unusual island where the giant flowers can sing, the bees can talk and the birds can dance. In order to turn this adventure into an unforgettable journey Mišo and his grandmother need help from the kids in the audience.
Fun is guaranteed, see you at Children’s Theatre Weekend!