On Wednesdays we enjoy blockbusters from 22 kuna!

Fortunately, the new normal does not mean that we should give up some old habits dear to all of us. That is why on Wednesdays, you can still enjoy watching the latest hit movies at Cineplexx for prices from 22 kuna. And to keep up with the new situation, a number of measures have been taken to make your stay in your favorite movie theater as safe as possible. You can check them all out on #stayresponsible (#ostanimoodgovorni). Apart from detailed cleaning, disinfection of surfaces and the restricted number of visitors, the consumption of food and drinks during screenings is also prohibited. On the bright side, you will certainly not be annoyed by the person in the seat next to you who is loudly enjoying the best popcorn in town. It’s all about perspective, isn’t it?

Whether you prefer action movies which will keep you on your toes until the very end, romantic comedies which will make you laugh, or serious dramas which will make you appreciate your life a bit more – Cineplexx has something for everyone. Oh, right – we forgot the animated films which are enjoyed by the little ones, as well as the big ones – even if it’s hard for them to admit.

So book your tickets on time and have a great time at Cineplexx this Wednesday.

*The price is applicable to 2D movies up to 120 minutes long. For 3D movies, MX4D movies, Love Box seats, VIP seats and longer movies, surcharges are applied according to the valid cinema price list. The price is not applicable to premieres and special screenings.