Submarine Burger, the largest domestic chain of burger restaurants, opened its doors on the 1st floor of City Center one East.
Submarine started its journey into the world of healthy burgers in 2014. They wanted to create a society that appreciates quality natural foods and local work, a society that knows how to appreciate the rhapsody of flavors in every bite, and finally – a society that does not agree to compromises. The possibilities of quality local ingredients are continuously explored and they work hard to create innovative dishes (burgers with truffle sauce, etc.), which break stereotypes about the unhealthy fast-food culture.
Most of the ingredients come from local family farms, where quality control is maintained and ensures a shorter path from field to the table. Thanks to such practice also it is also invested in local production and quality.
Beef comes from a Croatian farm, pastry from Zagreb, potatoes from Lika, cheese from Podravina, sausage from Slavonia, truffles from Istria, pancetta from Dalmatian Zagora. Therefore, Submarine burgers do not contain additives, GMOs, or any other harmful ingredients.
Submarine is the only Croatian burger brand included in the map of the 50 best burgers in the world based on the research by the British tourist portal Big7 Travel and the only Croatian non-technological company that was on last year’s list of 1000 fastest growing companies by the Financial Times.