The Disney collection arrives to Tezenis on 14 September.
Read more Do your mammogram
March is the month when we mark the Daffodil Day dedicated to the prevention and early detection of breast cancer. City Center one would like to join this cause and provide its female visitors with an opportunity to do a free mammogram. We would like to invite women over 40 to do this simple and quick examination that could save their lives. Mobile mammography device will be located in front of the main entrance of City Center one West on 16th March from 10 AM to 12 noon, and later that day in front of City Center one East from 2 PM to 4 PM. Number of examinations is limited and an appointment can be booked by phone 01/4696-309; 01/4696-347, indicating the location: City Center one East or City Center one West.
On the same day, from 9 AM on the ground floor of your City Center one you will be able to obtain useful information on the treatment and prevention of breast cancer. This is a chance to arrange an appointment for a mammogram as well as to support the work of the Association SVE za NJU by purchasing daffodils.
Also, from 10 AM till 2 PM in City Center one West and from 2 PM till 6 PM in City Center one East you can check your blood pressure and blood sugar level for free and obtain valuable expert advice on how to develop healthy habits that can help you feel better.
Health Days at City Center one are supported by Andrija Štampar Teaching Institute of Public Health, City Office for Health and the Association SVE za NJU.
Live healthy and feel good.