On Saturday, November 23, bring your little ones to City Center one West and enjoy exciting activities.
What secrets does the universe hold? What do other planets look like? Why does it rain, and when does fog form? What does programming look like, and what does robotics even involve? Your little ones will have the chance to discover the answers to these and many other questions at Sveznadan!
Experts from various fields will be at City Center one West on Saturday, November 23, starting at 11 AM, to answer all your children’s questions in a simple and engaging way. Joining as professors will be Zoran Vakula, dr. Vibor Jelić, dr. Lana Ceraj, and many others, who have prepared a wealth of fascinating facts, fun experiments, and amazing prizes.

All you need to do is check the schedule and bring your young scientist to the activities that interest them the most. See you there!