Optika Anda is the first company in Europe which has a digital assistant to help you take care of your vision!
Everyone’s favorite character adored by all generations, Anda Panda, has now ‘come to life‘ and found a new role as a vision coach available 24/7. Find out what Anda Panda can do and how it can be accessed. 👇🏻
Optika Anda’s new digital assistant is active on WhatsApp and helps all smartphone users quickly find solutions for their vision issues, book examinations, learn answers to their questions about Anda ambassadors and more!
Digital assistant Anda Panda as your vision coach has its own learning algorithm that allows it to systematically improve through every interaction with users. Anda Panda is available to everyone on the WhatsApp app and you can access it by scanning the QR code on advertisements or clicking the link – Digital assistant.