Exhibition 'Celebrating Caring Fatherhood' with numerous activities for fathers and children.
Don’t miss the exhibition ‘Celebrating Caring Fatherhood’ held as part of the Festival of Fathers, from March 14th to 22nd, at City Center one West, organized by City Center one West and Status M organization.
The exhibition ‘Celebrating Caring Fatherhood’ celebrates fatherhood and the importance of equal participation of men in raising and caring for children through photographs, activities, and stories.
Active fatherhood has multiple benefits for families and the wider community. Active participation of fathers in upbringing positively affects the emotional development of children, their self-confidence, and later success in life. A more equal distribution of parental responsibilities brings balance and strengthens relationships within the family. By promoting caring fatherhood, we change social norms that limit men and women in family and professional roles.
On Saturday, March 22nd, you can expect an exciting day full of activities for fathers and children. There will be a workshop called Magical Jewelry Store where fathers and children will create jewelry like bracelets and necklaces together, and a workshop called Apron Painting where children will paint aprons for their dads using fabric paints and markers. The schedule also includes a competition for Super Dads and a Treasure Hunt game where you can win great prizes.
See you there!