Buy a hoodie with an inspirational print on 11 and 12 November and join the charity campaign #ŽelimSveMoguSve (#IWantItAllICanDoItAll)
Did you know that more than 1300 people in Croatia reported sexual violence last year alone? Although shocking, these figures are much higher in reality, since it is believed that for every reported act of sexual violence, there are between 15 and 20 that were not reported.
To raise awareness on the rate of sexual violence and sexual harassment, City Center one dedicated this year’s charity campaign #ŽelimSveMoguSve (#IWantItAllICanDoItAll) to that topic with the goal of helping the civil society organization Women’s Room in their daily work with victims of sexual violence.
You too can help this cause! On Saturday and Sunday, 11 and 12 November, buy a hoodie with an inspirational print at the price of EUR 30 at City Center one East and West. The full amount of the purchase price will be donated to Women’s Room.
Ida Prester, zaštitno lice humanitarne akcije #ŽelimSveMoguSve i Maja Mamula, predsjednica udruge Ženska soba
Women’s Room is a feminist, non-profit civil society organization which has been working on preventing and combating sexual violence for more than twenty years, offering direct support and help to survivors of sexual violence, and promoting and protecting sexual rights. In the last year, they helped more than 330 victims of sexual violence in Croatia.
Let us support women who are going through difficult times – let them know they are not alone, that there is a way out, and that we hear and understand them.
See you at City Center one East and West on 11 and 12 November from 9 AM to 9 PM at the charity campaign #ŽelimSveMoguSve.
mural: kolektiv Graffiti na Gradele, Antonija Bačič, “Frendice”