Kako bi pomogli rad udruge, City Center one u sklopu svog prostora održava redovne godišnje akcije dobrovoljnog davanja krvi namijenjenoj djeci...
Read more City Center one birthday celebration provides you each year with an opportunity to perform a good deed in a charity event called 5 Kuna for a Better World. This year from 12 to 14 October the visitors could once again make their contribution by purchasing a piece of cake and champagne at a price of only 5 kuna, this time the proceeds went to Jak kao Jakov Association. In all three centres, a total of 2750 pieces of cake were sold, 1,446 bottles of champagne, thus raising an all-time high amount of 196,786.47 kuna to help families with children affected with malign diseases.
Many people from show business happily took part in this charity event, working hard to achieve a noble goal. Among many, there were Lidija Lešić, Saša Lozar, Antonija Šola, Aleksandar Stanković, Martina Tomčić, Maša Zibar, Luka Bulić, Barbara Kolar, Ana Miščević, Damir Kedžo, Mario Petreković, Davor Dretar Drele, Tomislav Špiček and Jacques Houdek to serve cake and champagne to City Center one visitors.
Thank you to everybody for showing your big heart in order to help make the world into a better place!