Ove jeseni H&M predstavlja modernu mušku kolekciju kroz lica pet različitih tipova muškaraca.
Read more The perfect time to land in City Center one is by November 14th! Before embarking on this journey, pick up your shopping passport at the info desk as it makes shopping even better.
The check-in for this unforgettable flight is very simple: after shopping, with invoices worth a minimum of HRK 200, stop by the info desk where you will receive a stamp in your passport. Six stamps lead you straight to a drawing for a weekly prize of HRK 2,000 or the main prize worth an incredible HRK 20,000. And don’t worry – the receipts add up. A special benefit awaits you if you decide to fly on Monday, because you have the opportunity to collect double stamps for HRK 200. After collecting the six required stamps, simply put your passport in the box located at the info desk, and carefully save the receipts because you will need them at the final destination.
You can read the rules of the prize contest at Shopping passport
Strap in, we are taking off to incredible prizes. City Center one wishes you happy shopping!