Yamamay presents two magic capsule collections, Disney and Marvel, inspired by Minnie & The Avengers.

Using the same patterns, styles, colours and fabrics, Yamamay has designed matching clothes for children and their parents, but also for all fans of these popular characters.

Minnie, the most modern Disney character of all time, characterizes the line for women, while the Avengers-inspired line stands out with the faces of all favourite superheroes: Hulk, Iron Man, Captain America and Thor. The new clothes combine style and functionality, it is designed for pleasant dreams, but also for moments of relaxation with the family.

The capsule collection for women and girls, dedicated to Minnie and created under a Disney® license, consists of a nightgown, two pyjamas, a fleece bathrobe and a pair of socks for women; and two pyjamas, a fleece sweatshirt, a pair of socks and two sets of underwear for girls.

Kolekcija kapsula za muškarce i dječake koja je posvećena Osvetnicima, a dizajnirana je pod Marvelovom licencom, sastoji se od dvije pidžame, majice, para čarapa i donjeg rublja, sve dostupno i za muškarce i za dječakeThe capsule collection for men and boys, dedicated to the Avengers and designed under a Marvel license, consists of two pyjamas, a T-shirt, a pair of socks and underwear both for men and boys.

Visit the Yamamay store and choose your favourite clothing piece from the Minnie & Avengers creative collection.