Ponuda City Centera one postala je još bolja! Naime, svoja vrata otvorila je trgovina Tiffany koja će u trenu postati jedna od vaših omiljenih...
Read more As an active member of the local community, City Center One has been involved in projects encouraging young athletes and clubs that have spawned some of the famous Olympians. The latest on the list of such activities refers to the sponsorship of Marjan. This gymnastics club has been winning trophies and sympathies throughout the country since 1998.
Twenty-four years ago, a group of enthusiasts gathered around coach Magda Milošević Ilić decided to establish a club with the main idea of launching Croatian gymnastics representatives to the European and world scene. Numerous medals bear witness to the fact that this dream is slowly but surely becoming a reality. Today, Marjan Gymnastics Club is a distinctive club that occupies an important place in sports both in Split and worldwide.
Working ethics and a high level of professionalism, innovation, and creativity in action, as well as the passion and determination that adorn each and every member of this team are characteristics of the club that the City Center has recognized. This is also why City Center decided to become a part of this sports story.