There is no place for boredom this summer with Kid's Jungle Playroom at City Center one because we have prepared some exciting activities and great prizes for the youngsters every single weekend.

Little geniuses will be able to take part in Toby’s Laboratory conducting scientific experiments, and we have also organised Toby’s Prize Contests which guarantee a good time and plenty of surprises.

HBO GO kids adventure gives youngsters a chance to have fun in addition to exciting games, face painting sessions and tattoos which will certainly make sure they have a lovely time. Take part in our creative workshops to discover many other surprises and your kids will remember these summer holidays for years to come.

Cineplexx Cinema will be checking your knowledge about animated movie hits through Cinequiz, while Baby Center has prepared some gifts for the young participants of the creative workshop Puppy in my pocket.

All activities are taking place on the weekends between 3rd and 26th August.

Include a visit to your favourite playroom in your next weekend’s plans, and for more details click the following link: Summer at the Playroom!