Even though we often forget it – our health and the health of our loved ones should come first.

Therefore City Center one in collaboration with Children’s Hospital Split, Clinic for Endocrinology and Neurology, University Hospital Split, Head of Department Ass. Prof. Veselin Škrabić, MD, PhD, students of School of Medicine in Split and Association of women with breast cancer Split, would like to invite you to Health Days organised on 16th and 17th March.

Respond to ultrasound screening

March is the month when we mark the Daffodil Day dedicated to the prevention and early detection of breast cancer. City Center one would like to join this cause and provide its female visitors with an opportunity to do a free ultrasound screening. Number of examinations is limited and an appointment can be booked from 12th until 14th March, between 8 AM and 12 noon by calling the following number 021/460-372. Examinations will be held on 16th March starting from 10 AM on the 3rd floor of the centre, Management Board Office, with Dr Banović.

On the same day from 4 PM to 8 PM on the ground floor of the centre, members of Association of women with breast cancer will be educating you and giving advice on different treatments and ways to prevent breast cancer. This is also a chance for you to support the work of the Association by purchasing daffodils.

Check your blood pressure and blood sugar level

On Saturday and Sunday 16th and 17th March from 4 PM to 8 PM, you can check your blood pressure and blood sugar level free of charge and obtain valuable expert advice on how to develop healthy habits that can help you feel better.

Live healthy and feel good.