Vikend najljepših obiteljskih filmova
Čak 10 odabranih obiteljskih animiranih i igranih filmova očekuje vas ovaj vikend, od 2. do 4. veljače, u Cineplexxu uz cijenu ulaznice od samo 19...
Read more Are you wondering how to pick a piece of jewelry and which piece to pick? Jewelry can make any outfit pop in just a few seconds. Adding even the simplest gold summer accessory can instantly make you look fresh. Whether you’re styling a simple t-shirt and jeans, a summer beach look, or a formal evening outfit, adding a necklace, earrings, or bracelet will instantly highlight your summer vibe.
It’s time to refresh your jewelry collection – starting with anklets and other long, hot summer jewelry trends available at Zlatarna Dodić in City Center one.