Paris Hilton posuđe: spoj elegancije i praktičnosti u vašoj kuhinji!
Read more Mia and Marko have decided to go against all rules. We even have them on camera in situations where they do everything the way they want.
Mia visited our Shooster store, she selected a retro Reebok Rapide pair of sneakers and went to the museum, where she was doing some things that some people didn’t like. Wearing the latest pair of Nike AirMax 270, Marko was putting up posters where this was not allowed, he was feeding the pigeons, and having an ice cream at places where this was forbidden.
As you can guess, nothing bad happened to them, because these rules were written to limit your creativity, and Shooster believes that creativity is everything. Put on your sneakers with a formal dress or a tuxedo, choose a model in a colour which isn’t supposed to match with any clothing items from your wardrobe. Don’t take other people’s opinions into consideration. Don’t let others tell you how to act, enjoy your day, every day.
Rules can also be broken in the virtual world. They have prepared for you many challenges and one fantastic retro game, where rules have to be broken without a compromise in order to win valuable Shooster prizes. The most disobedient ones among you can win Shooster vouchers in the amount of 2000 and 1000 kuna, and the sneakers Mia and Marko are wearing. For more information, please visit Shooster website and make sure you are ready to take up a challenge from 3rd until 19th September.